Thinking of all the things we are grateful for right now, the silver linings that this quarantine and coronavirus craziness has brought to us.
I am grateful to work for a company that lets me work from home during the quarantine, and allows me to be home with my kids while they are in school. It has been a nice change from the crazy schedule of full time work and full time sports, church and more. Masks are not fun - so I'd rather be home anyway to avoid wearing them. But silver lining - no double chin in a mask! :)
Matt said he is thankful for his wife because she is good at forcing us to do family photos, trips and creating memories. And that she has good taste in hair, makeup and style. She is a hard worker who is dedicated and loyal. And we watch fun TV shows together.
[I didn't make him say any of that] :)
Claire is grateful to have a computer to work on for school from home.
Miles is grateful for Merzy because she is fun to play with. Also for running water.
Penelope is thankful for family because otherwise she wouldn't be here. And money.
Henry is thankful for tomatoes and mom's kisses.