Sunday, April 28, 2019

Henry's Fourth Birthday Questionnaire

A little bit about Bubba and a birthday questionnaire to get all his favorites.  He's getting some strong opinions these days, but we honestly love his sass... it's still cute. He is my healthiest eater, though he eats very little some days and then everything in sight other days. He prefers fruits and veggies to candy, though he does like those terrible sour gel lollipop things.

What is your favorite fruit? Blueberries and strawberries - and tomatoes

What is your favorite veggie? Cucumbers

What is your favorite color? GREEN!

What is your favorite number? 8

What is your favorite Disneyland ride? Haunted Mansion

What do you like to sleep with? My blue blanket and stuffed Mickey Mouse

What is your dress up costume? Iron Man

Who are your friends? Cooper, Brooklyn, and Connor

What is your favorite stuffed animal? A ghost (he doesn't have one, but wants one)

What do you like to do? Color and play games on the Nintendo

Henry likes to give butterfly kisses and eskimo kisses, and he will still sit with me and cuddle. I was thinking the other day, that none of the other kids would have done that still. But - I suddenly realized, it's because there isn't a baby to replace him on my lap. Duh.  So for now, I can still lift him and hold him - and I will until he gets too big for me.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Henry's Fourth Birthday

Henry FINALLY turned four! I have been hearing about his birthday since maybe Halloween... :) Henry is such a love - cuddly and sweet, he lets me hold him and will still sleep in my arms. We are all still wrapped around his little finger - he gets what he wants most of the time. I mean, look at this face!

We had a pirate themed party - everyone had pirate bandanas and eye patches, plus pirate names.

Henry asked for a Knights costume - not as in our hockey team but an actual Knight. He also wanted a firefighter costume and a construction costume. He loves his superhero costumes too and is outgrowing them quickly. He's a tall drink of water!

Happy Birthday Mr. Henry - Bubba - Bubbtastic. We love you!

Kid Quotes

For some reason Henry has been obsessed with the number 8 - he asks for 8 more minutes or 8 blueberries or 8 fries... Before his birthday, he said he was going to turn 8, not 4. I told Henry that he had a long time to wait, and that he would get baptized when he’s 8. He must know that he is baptized by immersion (going under the water) because he said, “Will there be soap?”

Miles made some homemade salt dough. Penelope played with it for a minute and said, “Eh, it’s mediocre.”  Miles said, "MEDIOCRE? Seriously Penelope, why do you talk like that?" 

I was with Penelope at a work event - a fun run for Ronald McDonald House. A lot of my coworkers kept saying how much we looked a like. I mentioned it to her later and she said, “No we don't, I have different eyes, lighter hair and a loose tooth! We don’t look alike.” Well then!

Penelope came to tattle on Miles, "Mom- Miles leg-kicked me. His leg kicked me!!" As opposed to other types of kicks? 

Monday, April 22, 2019

More Beach Days

These photos are probably all out of order but we went to two different beaches on our trip - had fun in the sand, built a fort, buried Miles twice, had an Easter Egg Hunt and listened to John Denver (Claire's latest obsession).

Spring Break 2019

We took a trip to San Simeon with Grandma May and Grandpa and Erick and Megan. We stayed at the same campground as we did last year - and Matt was able to come too. His job is a lot more flexible now - yah!