Sunday, January 13, 2008

Crazy Dreams

When I have a lot of things that I am worried about, or just a lot going on, I sometimes get these crazy stress dreams that combine wacky events, people and places into situations that would NEVER happen... at least I hope they'd never happen...

I am back at work full time (for the past month or so), working two days a week from home for as long as Claire will let me, and then the other days balancing childcare with Matt's school schedule and with a fabulous girl in our ward who is watching Claire the rest of the time. So far it seems to be working out really well, but I had this crazy dream the night before I was dropping Claire off the first time at her house.

In the dream I was trying to tell her all this stuff about Claire - how much she eats, sleeps, poops, etc. all while trying to take a shower and get ready for work at the same time (I was modest, of course). I must have also been worried subconsciously about not shaving my legs enough and having Matt comment on my Sasquatch legs, because in the dream I looked down and I had the hairiest legs ever! Like more than Matt's :) I woke up in a panic - my legs were in fact prickly, but that was all. I think it's so funny how my brain grabs on to random thoughts and facts and tosses them together for my enjoyment and panic every night.

Anyway, I think balancing a job and a family is harder than I ever thought - I used to think I would be able to, and want to, do it all. I just really appreciate and respect all of the SAH moms I know who have made that sacrifice to be home with their kids. I can't do that right now, so I am thankful for all of you who are cutting me some slack for the things that I'm slacking on .... I will get the hang of this soon, and shave my legs to boot!


Alexis said...

I love dreams sometimes. Hang in there. It takes a month or two to adjust to working and having a new baby. You will get in your routine and be able to get everything done you need to.

Emily said...

That is so funny. Dreams are crazy...and I too get them when I'm stressed or have a lot going on. It's SO HARD having a new baby and trying to adjust to everything. I found that establishing a routine helped me (and the baby) so much. I needed it for my sanity!

Becky said...

Bless your heart.