Monday, June 15, 2009

Quick Trip to CA

We decided on Wednesday to go to Northern California on Thursday after work and drive to my parent's house, then later on to the Bay Area for Matt's cousin Michaela's wedding in Menlo Park (where we found a Hiller Street, and a Hiller Aviation Museum - pretty cool!). I think we are trying to get in a bunch of trips before the baby comes - so we're up for traveling more than maybe we usually do.

My mom had surgery that same Thursday on her ankle - she broke both sides of her ankle and dislocated it while hiking through the jungle in Hawaii a week ago. Nice vacation, huh? Anyway, we wanted to see her, tried to not get in the way, and had a nice trip all around. She now has several screws and a plate in her ankle - I told her the xrays look like she works in a hardware store - it's pretty intense. We also had lunch with my friend and old roomie Ali and her kids, and had dinner with my brother and his family - Claire and Lily had a good time on the new playset in the backyard.

I realized we took mostly pics of Claire (what else is new) living it up the day of the wedding. She did not sit still - maybe for 5 minutes on my lap to eat some dinner after the wedding - but other than that she was moving all stinkin' day. I missed pretty much the entire wedding ceremony because I was walking with her, chasing her, keeping her quiet so Matt could stay with his family. It was an outdoor wedding and there were way too many distractions for a 21 month old.

We got to see extended family that we don't see too often, and many got to meet Claire for the first time. It seems I am always pregnant when I see Matt's cousins... last time was the family reunion in South Dakota. There is one sweet shot of me in here with my belly - maybe one of the only ones taken of me on the trip. I had a ton of pics so I did the collages again.


Mere and Matt said...

cute...glad you get a lot of chances to see family. Claire's always smiling!

Lauren said...

Very fun getting to travel so much before the baby comes. Hey and I would love to play a little outdoor soccer so as soon as you are playing again let me know!

Mark A. Johnson said...

It was great to have you guys back up in the mountains. Next time we'll have to make sure you have a GPS, smokesignals, or the trusty atlas. We're glad your home safe.

Erika said...

You look great. Can't wait to see you guys.

Kara said...

Love your new header pic! Glad you got to see your family and spend some time with everyone. Yeah, we haven't taken a trip since Christmas. We're going to attempt our first trip to Panaca this weekend with both kids. Should be interesting.

Emily said...

Fun trip! It must be nice to be able to go places together as a whole family! I always have to go without Steve.

Your poor mom, that is no way to spend your time in Hawaii...hope she's feeling better!

jessi said...

Shill! Cute pics :) how do you get the four pics-in-one like that? Is it an online photo program? Or something on your computer?

Jessett said...

Claire is the most beautiful little girl.

You are look fab by the way. You do Prego well......:)

Are you all ready for the boy thing????