My cousin's little boy Isaac said, "What's your name again?" Claire says, "My name is Claire, but my other name is Claire Bear."
Claire has been calling her "boyfriend" on her play cellphone. I have no idea where she got that idea - so not cool. Anyway, she gets off her latest call with her boyfriend, and looks at me and then at Matt and you can just see the connection in her head. "Mom, is dad your
boyfriend!?" I said, "Yes, he was and then he became my husband - I told you, you can only have a boyfriend if he's someone you would marry." (See, I'm getting in my life lessons any chance I can).
Straight from one of Claire's bedtime prayers, "Thank you for mom, and dad, and Miles, and me. Help me to be good and strong and big. Help Miles to not push me or hit."
Lately when Claire gets excited about something - even something relatively small like a new shirt or going to the park, she says, "Yeh-aaahhhh!" in this loud, deep voice and then "Woo Hoo!" It is so funny! I need to get it on video.
"Mom, I am getting really big - did you know that? I am going to be 4 and then 5 and then 6 and then 7 and then I'm going to get baptized."