Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tooth Watch December 2014

Miles has had a loose tooth for what feels like months, though I'm sure it's more like a few weeks. I have been woken up at O-dark-30 to feel his wiggly tooth, to verify that it is indeed loose, and to talk him out of pulling it out before it was ready.

Well last night it finally came out! Miles went into the bathroom to pull out his tooth by himself, despite many offers from Matt to help yank it out. Miles walked out of the bathroom triumphant, "TOOTH!" he announced.

He is SOOOO excited to join the ranks of the Big Kids, with their snaggly tooth smiles. The first lost tooth is always sort of sad for me - their little smiles change forever and they look so much older when those big teeth come in.

The Tooth Fairy brought $1 for his tooth, dropped off in the very convenient Tooth Fairy pillow. Miles was ready to spend his dollar this morning on a gatorade drink at school, but we convinced him to wait a bit. The tooth right next door isn't far behind... a second loose tooth to watch. Just wait til 7 am to tell me about it, Miles.

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