Thursday, November 15, 2018

Kid Quotes

I told Penelope she made a good choice after she chose a cup of water instead of soda. She said, “After all, it is a water cup.” 

Penelope couldn’t stop laughing at church. A serious case of the giggles. Better than crying but still quite loud. She said, “I just can’t help it!!” 

Penelope played with some four year old girls while I played volleyball one morning with some friends. They played school and of course Penelope was the teacher. She told me there were four rules for school, "#1- no showing your underwear (they all had dresses on), #2- I don’t remember number two... or number three. But number four was important! No talking in class!” 

Henry asked for a mommy kiss as the fifth reason to get our of bed the other night. I came in and obliged and Miles said, “I will kiss you!” Henry said, “No- you’re NOT a mommy!” He still likes me... 

Here’s a mom quote this time. I recently said, "Either I’m a physic or the best mom ever!!” shortly after I predicted that someone was about to get hurt so they should stop pulling each other across the tile on a blanket...  aaaaannd like 15 seconds later = tears. 

Somehow we started talking about shark attacks on the way to school and how sharks think you are a seal so they take a bite, but don’t always eat you. Penelope very forlornly said, “Oh WHY do we have to be made of meat!” 

Claire cut her cupcake in half and then flipped it so the frosting is in the middle. Penelope noticed and said, “Are you doing a life hack?!” 

I asked Henry, how was preschool? he said, "Good! No animals tried to eat me!” 

I told Henry he was a cute little nugget. He said, “I’m not a nugget, I’m a pumpkin pie. No... just a pumpkin.” #allfoodnicknames #maybeihaveaproblem

Penelope said, "Sometimes I organize my room cause I pretend a queen is coming to visit. I said- well I’m coming to your room. She said, "Oh yeah, I guess I used to call you “your highness!”

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