Saturday, December 1, 2018

Thanksgiving in CA

I am so behind on our blog - I'm going to have to do some quick recaps. We went to CA for Thanksgiving - I had given my notice at PBTK earlier in November so I knew I only had a week left there. Matt had also given his notice - we were both starting new jobs on December 3, but he couldn't come with us... the last holiday he will miss, we hope.

We had a great time at Apple Hill, eating delicious apple doughnuts and cider, writing plays and playing outside despite the rain we had the entire trip. It's so good to get the cousins together! Now that Becky is in Oregon it's going to be harder to see them as often as we did when then were in Cedar... but we will make it work!

I love my family and am so happy we got to spend time with them!

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