Monday, December 28, 2020

Kid Quotes - Henry Edition

Me: Henry how was wearing a mask all day?

H: It was quite comfortable 

Me: Really? 

H: Well, it was kind of sweaty... but I didn’t complain about it.  

After the first day of school in person for Henry after online school for two months I asked Henry, “did you miss us or were you ok?” Henry said, “I missed you... medium. “

Henry ran into a sleeping Penelope’s room to tell her something he was excited about. I heard her say- Henry you scared me half to death! Henry said, “Only half? Not all the way?” 

One tradition we all look forward to is the homemade Advent Calender for Christmas that Jonelle made us. When deciding on the order of choosing a handmade felt ornament out of the pocket Henry said, “Let’s go from oldest to shortest.”

Henry says, “Why do we want to get rid of coronavirus? If we get rid of it then we have to go to school all day!” 

Wrapping secret Santa presents with Henry and he says, “If I don’t get something from my secret santa, I’m gonna lose it!” 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thankful Thursdays

Thinking of all the things we are grateful for right now, the silver linings that this quarantine and coronavirus craziness has brought to us. 

I am grateful to work for a company that lets me work from home during the quarantine, and allows me to be home with my kids while they are in school. It has been a nice change from the crazy schedule of full time work and full time sports, church and more. Masks are not fun - so I'd rather be home anyway to avoid wearing them. But silver lining - no double chin in a mask! :) 

Matt said he is thankful for his wife because she is good at forcing us to do family photos, trips and creating memories.  And that she has good taste in hair, makeup and style. She is a hard worker who is dedicated and loyal. And we watch fun TV shows together. 

    [I didn't make him say any of that] :) 

Claire is grateful to have a computer to work on for school from home.

Miles is grateful for Merzy because she is fun to play with. Also for running water. 

Penelope is thankful for family because otherwise she wouldn't be here. And money. 

Henry is thankful for tomatoes and mom's kisses. 

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Baptism Day

Penelope's baptism was very special - it was just her being baptized, not the stake baptisms with a lot of the children at once. There are some things that are better with the quarantine. We were able to invite our family to view the baptism on Zoom which was also really cool. Becky, Matty and Alexis and Megan and their kiddos joined online. Penelope was very nervous about her baptism, but she seemed calm once she got into the water. It was a very good day and I know Penelope felt peaceful and loved.

Penelope's Baptism Photos

We took these photos of Penelope for her baptism a month or more ago, and I love how they turned out. Penelope loves all things girly and she loves her dress. It was the same dress Claire wore for her baptism too, so that was pretty special.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

This and That

Swim lessons - going GREAT! Henry was afraid and didn't want to go, but he changed his mind so fast, it was amazing to watch. He is diving in and doing the different strokes, it's awesome! Penelope loves swimming lessons and asks daily if it's a swim day. We have only so many activities open to us right now so we are taking advantage of swimming and tennis.

Tennis lessons for Matt, Miles, Claire and Penelope - P takes a shorter portion of the lesson, and the others have been quick learners, able to move on quickly to new skills. I am hoping to have some built-in tennis partners very soon. Our coach Craig says Penelope will be the best of us since she is starting younger, and Henry can't wait to try. He has a racket and hits balls on his own.

Family game night - we are trying to play more games, use less screens. It's so hard, especially with working from home, to monitor screen time as much as we want to. We are letting them use them more than normal, but these are unique times and I am trying let some things go right now.

Henry is working on his scooter skills during tennis lessons. This photo shows the empty sand volleyball courts behind him, with the nets removed because of quarantine. The park behind our house removed the basketball hoops - I can't say I miss the sound of loud music and players yelling at all hours of the day, but it is sad to see things empty in our community. Tennis courts are open again, thank goodness. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Quick Trip to Bryce Canyon

I hadn't been to Bryce Canyon in 20 years, but I still remembered how impressive it is. Matt and I took a long weekend trip up and it was so nice to get away for a bit. We have all been together, practically nonstop, since the middle of March. I like working from home and spending more time with the kids for the most part, but we all needed a break. The weather was cool and we were even cold at night. We took an ATV tour and went on a few killer hikes -the views were dizzying, literally. I am not sure what has happened to me lately, but heights and especially drop offs are tough for me. We hiked the rim of the canyon on our second day, and I survived. :) Matt loved it - this was his first time going - and he said he didn't get tired of looking at the Canyon. We will be back!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Betty and Phil's 50th Anniversary

We had a small family celebration to mark Betty and Phil's 50th wedding anniversary - which was June 6th. 50 years is an amazing accomplishment and one I can respect even more the longer I am married. We had a nice dinner, played the "Not So Newlywed Game" and had cake and presents. Phil also took a moment to give a very touching tribute to Betty - he wrote it down and read it to her in front of everyone. Betty said he is quite the romantic, actually.

We gave them a framed photo of this map showing all the places Betty and Phil have lived together.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Penelope's 8th Birthday and Interview

Eight years old and sassy as ever! Here is Penelope's birthday interview and photos from our low-key family party, courtesy of the quarantine. We were not able to have friends over but had family here to celebrate this unicorn loving, sparkly clothes wearing Penelope Jane. 

What is your favorite color?  Pink 

What is your favorite activity?  Read

Who is your favorite singer?  I don't know

What is your favorite song?  Frozen soundtrack 

What is your favorite movie? Frozen

What is your favorite TV show? Teen Titans Go

What is your favorite book?  Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins

What is your favorite food?  Mashed potatoes 

What don't you like to eat?  Broccoli 

What are you scared of?  The dark 

What is your favorite sport?  Baton twirling 

Who are your friends? Catalaya, Tahlia, and Leah 

What is your favorite restaurant? McDonald's 

What does your mom do all day? Do her work at CCCU and try to get me to take a shower. 

What does dad do all day?  Eat McDonalds and do his work. 

What do you like about second grade? My teacher is really nice and I have a lot of friends.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A fashion designer 

What is your favorite thing to wear? Dresses and skirts with pockets