Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Grouchy Little Candy Cane

I know this is a bit late, but I just got the pictures from our ward Christmas Party. Matt played a grouchy candy cane - quite the stretch for him, since he's usually a very happy person. :)

We made his costume literally an hour before the play, so it wasn't my best work. He did a great job and, as far as I'm concerned, was the star of the show.


Kara said...

Hey Shannon,
I love the cute pictures on your blog. Claire is getting so big and she's such a cutie! Matt did make a very funny candy cane. Yeah, let's keep in touch better this way. I love to read other people's blogs. I'm not very good at keeping mine updated. I don't know much to talk about except Nathan. O-well

Emily said...

You are one good looking candy cane Matt! It was SO good to see you guys and to meet Claire. We miss you!!! You are in charge of finding a place for both of our families to live when we come back to Vegas. We need to be neighbors!

Emily said...

Hey guys!
I didn't get to go to the Christmas party, we had family in town...but I'm sure Matt did a great job as the candy cane.

I love the bow in Claire's hair in the christmas pictures...I'm so glad she gets to come to my house and play, she's such a cutie!