Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Truck Update

We haven’t heard anything from the police, so no sign of the truck for going on 5 days now. I almost don’t want it back, but we found out that our insurance only covers up to $200 worth of personal property in the vehicle, and that doesn’t even start to cover even one piece of equipment for the mobile detailing business that Matt had… so frustrating!

I have no idea how they got into the truck, especially since I think they stole it around 8:30 pm, a totally normal time with people out and about still. We went to play basketball at 8:45 ish but didn’t drive past the truck, so we might have even been home when they stole it. I think someone had been watching it, knew all the equipment was in there, plus it’s a nice truck with brand new tires (just bought them in late July). We get 60 days of a rental car, but we have to wait 20 days to hear if the truck shows back up again.. then they start the process of replacing it for what it’s worth… what could that be? Blue book? High, low? No idea. Grrr.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Attention Car Thieves!

Dear car thieves that stole our four-door Ford F-350 diesel truck, with a lift kit and brand new tires, plus a huge water tank in the bed, along with other car detailing equipment like a generator and power washer,

Do you think you could have taken a more conspicuous vehicle? I hope the police find you, and I hope you get arrested for not only stealing our truck out of our own parking spot, but for using the stolen credit cards that were also in the truck.

What did you possibly buy for $1,300 at WalMart last night? Or $100 at TMobile? Or $150 at Sunflower Market. I know you bought at least $300 in fuel and if you keep that truck much longer I'm sure you'll spend far more in diesel.

Off to file an official police report.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Hungry Girl - this is so me!

My favorite new site is Hungry Girl - they have recipes, ideas for watching calories, and it's sort of based on WW points so it makes sense to me. All for us girls who like to eat but dont want to feel bad about it in the morning. :)

Check it out!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Claire Bear

From Hi to Hello

The voice you hear is our babysitter Rachel - she was taking some photos for a young women's activity and caught Claire with her new word - well, it's pretty close to Hello, so I'm counting it :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn (Twilight Series, Book 4) Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
Just finished it - I had to, since I read the other three books in the series. I liked it, but not as much as the first book. If you read the others you have to finish the story out - just do it :)

View all my reviews.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

City Baby

Claire did not really want to experience the beauty of Idaho, at least from a sensory perspective. She hated the feel of grass on her legs and tried desperately to lift them off the ground. This was the closest she got...

But at least she sat quietly and suffered through the grass. I tried to put her feet into sand at the beach at Red Fish Lake - tried both wet and dry sand - and she started to cry. Guess she just wanted to be pushed around on the sidewalk in her stroller or crawl around on the carpet instead... man-made materials for this kid.

Family Reunion Pics

A few pics from the reunion in Idaho - we had a great time, but it always feels like you need a few more days to finally settle in and get to spend quality time with everyone. I was paranoid about kids falling into the river the whole time. The river is beautiful but our cabins were literally 20 feet or so from the banks. I was just glad that Claire isn't walking yet - a fast crawl, yes. But walking would have been even scarier. I have been going there since I was a baby - how in the world did we all survive? Thanks Mom.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

6 lb line

Stanley Idaho, ever heard of it? Me either, but it was the site of this years Johnson reunion, as it was in days of yester-year. Shannon says it has been near 8 years since the family last got together in Stanley so it was an exiting prospect for us.

I really only have one story to share so I'll get to the point.
It was the last night of the reunion and I had resigned to catch fish on this trip. Let me backtrack with some history. I do not fish. It has always seemed boring to me and Southern Nevada fishing consists of bashing carp with your hand while standing on the dock at Lake Mead. When I asked Shannon what the family does in Stanley her reply was, "Fish." You can smell the exictment oozing from my pores, right?

Ok, so I attempted to try my hand at catching some of the fish that had recently been released from the hatchery several miles up stream. I mean, how crappy do you have to be to not catch farmed fish? Well, turns out I'm pretty crappy. I only caught one little scrawny 4 incher. Above the hatchery I fared better catching a few 9 inchers.

Danny, Matty and I stumbled upon a secret fishing hole several miles south of where we were camping and milked that hole all weekend. I had very little luck there, not getting a single fish, until the last night. Dan Dan noodle said he had seen a "large tail" twice while trying to fish this hole, but I wasn't buying it because of my previous bad luck. I convinced my two fishing brothers-in-law that we should return at dusk when the bugs come out, for better luck. Boy was I right. I found a nice flat rock on the bank of the river and cast away. Out of 20 or so casts, I caught five fish. One looked like a sand shark. All were over 8 inches one was near 14 inches. Being and animal activist and all, I was using a non-barbed hook, so that the fish could easily be returned to the river. This isn't even the best part. Continue reading for further action please.

So I'm having great luck and I look to my left and Dan Dan and Matty both had snags at the same moment. Except, Matty yells, "Wow, my snag is moving!" After several sweaty minutes that seemed like hours Matty had worked this baby up to the shallows. It was a giant. He was so huge, I couldn't believe the enormity of the beast.

We didn't have a net so Dan Dan noodle jumped in to grab it once he got close. Flop Flop, splash, back into the river. Needless to say we were running out of options. Again and again the bull on the line pulled and writhed and spat fire at one point, I'm pretty sure. Matty shortened the line little by little bringing him to the shoreline. Then Danny had a better idea to just flop the behemoth onto the shore. That he did. When all was said and done the fish weighed in at 35-40 lbs in my estimation, and stretched to a little over 36 inches.

The thing had teeth 1/2 inch long, a nasty hooked nose, black spots and a gentle rose head. It was a beauty, so much that Matty named it Hannah. We lowered Hannah back into the river, gave her some breathing exercises, and let her go. After some research it turned out that Hannah was a Chinook Salmon that was endangered. If we were to have kept her and been caught, $50,000 fine. Yep. 50k.

Two more tid-bits, the fishing-line Matty caught Hannah on was 6 lb test. That line is meant for little, little fishys. Oh, and Hannah was a boy...