Saturday, November 8, 2008


So after a few weeks of walking a few steps here and there, then going back to crawling which was a much faster method of transportation, Claire has decided that walking is fun and that she'll give it a try after all.

She is a walking machine now - which means I can put her in the cute outfits I've been saving for when she isn't getting her legs all dirty from crawling around (my house is spotless, of course). She is still a little wobbly, but mostly because she tries to go so stinkin' fast. It's really cute though, and I just think that soon she will be on to the next thing and this phase will be over too quickly. I am trying to enjoy every minute! I take these pics before we head out the door every morning so I can document the days.


Kara said...

Claire is the best dressed girl in the ward!! Seriously, so dang cute! I love the little coat! I love her walk- it's so cute and you're so right! This next year is going to FLY by and you have to enjoy every second cause pretty soon she'll be 2 and you'll be freaking out like I am!!!

Erika said...

Shannon, she is so cute! She honestly looks like a little WALKING doll. Love the hair and the clothes. I do miss dressing a little girl. Boys' clothes are nowhere near as fun.

Karry said...

That jacket and sweater are adorable, as is Claire. Time to have another baby Shannon.

Jacqui said...

I don't even have a jacket that stylin'. Makes me want to go shopping. Very cute and very fun. Does she have a "perma-bump" in the middle of her forehead yet?

-KJ said...

Do they make those outfits in adult sizes? ;) She is a doll!

I love this stage!!! It's so fun to watch. I love when they figure out how to stand in the middle of the room without needing something to help them get up. Hopefully you are luckier than us, our kids had permanent bruises on their foreheads for 6 months straight.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! shes getting so big and shes adorable!

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with her!! I can't wait to meet her! Tell me where you get her outfits...OH MY GOSH!!