Monday, June 22, 2009

Baby Countdown

10 - weeks I have left to go til August 30
9 - times I go to the bathroom in any given day (that's daylight hours, people)
8 - months pregnant I say that I am so people don't think my belly is too big already
7 - months pregnant I really am... well, getting close to 8 now...
6 - minutes it takes me to put on maternity nylons for work, oh the humanity!
5 - number of pillows I have to sleep with
4 - times I wake up at night, minimum
3 - seconds it takes for me to start to sweat once I walk outside
2 - number of Pepcid AC tablets I am allowed to take per day (not enough!)
1 - a perfect baby boy who will make it all worthwhile in the end


Stephanie Carmi said...

and you're probably going to have more... crazy lady.

Alifinale said...

Love the countdown. Too bad 10 weeks sounds shorter than it actually is. Hang in there! ANd ditch the nylons. Seriously, do you like torture?

~ kietra ~ said...

Cute countdown! I can sympathize with most of those! Its nice when you get down to counting weeks on just your fingers though!! You're almost there!!

Kara said...

What a fun-ny countdown. You can complain, just like I told EMily, you have every right to complain to your little heart's content. We need to hurry up and have a baby shower for your little boy! that will help pass the time and give you cute little clothes to look forward to putting on that cute little boy!

Alison Monaghan said...

So exciting for the little boy! I love Claire's pigtails.. She is just adorable :)

Miss you guys!

Matt and Shannon said...

My work has a dress code that requires nylons if you wear a skirt - and I have a lot of maternity skirts and dresses that I want to wear, but the nylons make it almost not worth the effort...

kh said...

I'm impressed you wear nylons. I refuse to wear them EVER--and I'm not even pregnant. : ) I can't believe it's required. In Vegas. In 2009. They need a female partner who, I'm sure, will promptly change that policy!