Well, the last chance workout was over and it was time for our weigh in. I am a competitive person so this was such a motivator to help me lose the baby weight. We had more than 20 people at the first weigh in, and only 10 at the last. I knew I had lost a good amount, but my main competition was one of the only guys in the group - if this was the real biggest loser, us ladies would have voted him out long ago. :)
So, in the end, he lost 14% of his total body weight, and I came in second place with 12% - I was pretty happy, even though I didn't get the $400. I'll just have to find another way to get a new wardrobe - my clothes are either all too big or too small.
If I count my few weeks of weight watchers before this competition, I have lost 14% - now on to my next goal of 10% of my current weight - I have basically lost "Miles" and now have to still lose "Claire."
Congratulations to everyone, especially Kevin!