Sunday, January 3, 2010

Miles - 4+months

So, we are a little late getting Miles in for his 4 month check up, so he is more like four and a half months old now but he is healthy, happy and growing very quickly. He weighs 15.5 lbs and is in the 50-75th percentile for weight. His height is in the 50th percentile and his head is still in the 25-50th percentile. He rolled over tonight for the first time from his tummy to his back, but I'm sure he would have done it earlier if I gave him more tummy time. I am really bad about that... I put him on his stomach trying to help him hold his head up more and he rolled over right away. What else?... he had rice cereal last week for the first time and he is NOT having it - I don't like this stage where you are teaching them to eat solid foods, he just loves milk!

Miles is very smiley and quiet - he has a silent laugh most of the time but every now and then he has a hearty belly laugh, so cute. Claire likes to talk to him about one inch from his face; she's very excited to have him around and she likes to sing him songs that vaguely sound like a tune you should know, but the words are entirely made up. It's pretty cute - I'll have to try to record her singing.

Miles on Hiller Christmas Day

We discovered this after leaving Claire and Miles alone for maybe 1 minute - Miles was so happy, and Claire was so in trouble...



Emily said...

Did she draw on him?! LOL!!! Poor Miles, but it's kinda funny too. Glad you got a picture of it.

He's so dang cute. Man, I just started giving Carly rice cereal and she's starting to get the hang of it. I put it off forever.

He's such a cutie...I see both of you in him, he's such a good mix. Glad he's happy and healthy!

Kara said...

Did she draw on him with a pen?? Ouchie, and he was happy about that??? He's so stinking cute!! I cannot get over how much he looks like his adorable big sis!! Glad you're back, now let's get back to walking or going to the gym or something!!!

~ kietra ~ said...

SO cute!! I love the round face! Too funny about Claire drawing on him- we've had that too. Hope it wasn't a sharpie!!! :)

Stephanie Carmi said...

HA! That is the funniest thing ever.

Karry said...

He's getting so big! And he's so cute. Good reproducing Shannon.