Saturday, June 5, 2010

May and Papa Visit Vegas

Though they aren't fans of the heat (this week marked our first really hot temperatures of the summer in Vegas), they are fans of the Hillers, so my parents came to visit us for a few days, just because. I hope this is a sign of the new retiree life - visits to the grand kids and fun trips :)

We tried to show them the side of Vegas that we see - just regular life, really. I had to work one day during their visit, so Matt took everyone to a splash park so Claire could play, a place we usually enjoy... but it was the last day of school and the middle school right up the street got out at noon that day. So, when hundreds of pre-teens descended on the park it kind of ruined their atmosphere. And then, a fight broke out between two boys and all the kids went crazy. Nice - welcome to Vegas mom and dad. Matt called the cops, and once an officer pulled up the kids all ran away.

We also went to the Bonnie Springs Ranch and saw the petting zoo and the old-time Nevada buildings. We didn't stay for the shoot out and public hanging show (yep, they have one!) since I didn't think Claire would like that very much. So we went out for fish and chips instead- delicious!

We also went swimming at my parent's hotel, and then to our favorite lunch place, Cafe Rio. We go there at least once a week so we had to let them enjoy it too.

My dad's sister Cindy lives here in town, so we also visited with them one night and had a BBQ and played Catch Phrase, not the easiest game with a baby in your lap, but still fun.

All in all, the visit was too short, but so fun! With Mom and Dad at a hotel this visit, it was kind of a glimpse of what it would be like if they lived close by, coming over for dinner or to play with the kids at the park. Thanks for coming to the desert to see us, despite the 102 degree temps :)


Emily said...

Once a week Shan? Come on, you know it's at least twice.

I love when parents is the best!

And I just love that picture of Claire.

So lame about the splash park.

Sheila said...

(Oh, guess I should say Sheila Stacy in case you couldn't figure it out!!)

Sheila said...

Hey Shannon, Just found your blog through Becky's!! You have AN ADORABLE family!! You guys look so happy!

Becky said...

Fun, fun, fun. LOVE the picture of Dad and Miles. Cute!