Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July = Utah Roadtrip

The Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays - fireworks, BBQs, hanging out with family and friends, more fireworks in your driveway, and more food. It is also my niece McKinley's birthday and she turned four this year on the fourth - the perfect reason to celebrate!

We took a road trip up to Utah for the long weekend, despite almost not going because Claire had thrown up that morning. After three uneventful hours and the go ahead from my sister, we decided to make the drive and risk it. Especially since Matt and Claire were joining Danny and McKinley for a Real Salt Lake soccer game Friday night along with a fireworks show. It could not be missed! We made it all the way to the exit off the I-15 for the soccer stadium, and while waiting 15+ minutes on the off-ramp in game traffic, Miles threw up all over the place. At least he waited until we were almost in Salt Lake. I dropped Matt and Claire off and then found a place to pull over and clean the poor kid up. It was one of those mom moments where you think, "I can't believe I am doing this." I threw his clothes away in the garbage can at McDonalds. To add insult to injury, Miles chose this weekend to cut FOUR teeth at once, all top teeth, and he was so upset and clingy the whole time (with a fever too!), poor guy. It made for a few rough nights, that's for sure. Just a 24 hour bug, thank goodness.

Other than that, we had a great time and got to see what it would be like to have a fun backyard like Becky does - Claire would be out there every chance she had - driving the Barbie Jeep, chasing bubbles, running through sprinklers, playing with the slip n slide, pushing a baby doll stroller back and forth, kicking around a soccer ball, and generally driving McKinley crazy.

Those girls love each other, but they also push each other's buttons. I know they are friends though - and they will get along better each time we get together. Claire woke up the day after we got home and asked to go to McKinley's house. I know I say this every time, but why can't everyone just move to my dream cul-de-sac so we can all live close to each other?


Erick and Megan said...

Oh what a great trip! Where is this cul-du-sac cuz I'm there!!

Jacqui said...

So, I totally have a cul-de-sac and there is a house for sale. Let's start it right here! :) I sure wish we had been around so we could hang out. Miss you!!!!

PS Your kids are so cute. And I totally know what you mean about your barfy Mom-moment. I've had a few, but one that really stands out is at Brad's wedding reception. #1 was two, and ate lots of cake and downed red punch, all while running wild the entire night. On the curvy ride home (down a canyon) she totally spewed all over herself, and the seat in front of her--which happened to hold my father-in-law's jacket. I couldn't throw away her dress--we needed it for the Nashville reception--so I had to have it dry cleaned three times! And the barf was RED. Ew. I feel your pain...

Emily said...

SUCH cute cousins!! Sorry about the puking, that really sucks!!!

I'm so jealous of that backyard. I mean, i love my rocks and everything, but they are kinda useless.

glad you had a good 4th and I hope Miles gets better soon. Teething is the worst!

Kara said...

Glad you enjoyed your trip and made the best of it. Traveling with sick kids is SO hard, especially a sick, grumpy baby! I know that feeling all too well. Sounds like Claire had a blast though and you got some cute pictures. We're leaving for our big trip this Friday and I'm nervous. I just want a fun trip without sick kids and I hope to get some sleep! Is that too much to ask?

Erika said...

The cul-de-sac has got to have Becky's backyard! Every time I read about you and Becky and your families, it always makes me sad that I never had a sister.

kh said...

Utah for the 4th is totally fun--you're right! They seriously do that holiday so well. Glad you had such a great trip.

Karry said...

I love the 4th of July, Utah and posts with lots of pictures. Well done Shannon. I hope little Miles is feeling better.