Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cool Kids

Matt and I went to a concert the other night - the first one we have gone to since Claire was born. I think I had to learn to sway to the music all over again. I also had to re-learn how annoying drunk people are, but that's not the fun part of our date.

The fun part was that we went to hear Brett Dennen, who I would describe kind of like Jack Johnson without the luau. He has bright red hair and big 80s glasses, and is working the talented nerd angle. The opening group was called Dawes, and we decided they were like Bob Dylan because they were really wordy, if that makes sense. I liked their lyrics a lot - they were a good mix of classic and modern music, and at least for the songs they sang that night, there were no swear words. Both groups are on iTunes, you should check them out.

Brett Dennen

Date Night

1 comment:

Ali said...

Fun!!!! We saw Brett Dennen when he opened for Jason Mraz a few years ago and I really dig him. Looks like a fun show!