Thursday, December 5, 2013

Penelope's 18 Month Stats

We had annual check ups for Miles and Claire, plus an 18-month well check for Penelope. Here are the latest stats for the babe:

Height: 32.5 inches - 67th percentile

Weight: 24.4 lbs - 46th percentile

Head: 47.75 cm - 78th percentile

She is a skinny little thing lately, and a picky eater with an up and down appetite. I can fit her in 12 month leggings but she needs an 18 month shirt, or a 2T pair of pajamas. A bit of progress on the talking, but not much. Pediatrician isn't worried since she does mimic sounds, is showing improvement with her language skills, and she can obviously understand us and do what we ask her to do. But it is frustrating when she is just grunting and pointing and you aren't always sure what she wants.

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