Friday, August 29, 2014

First Day of School

Let's start from youngest to oldest - Miles started kindergarten this week! He is in full day, which is a first for us. Claire did half day, but all the schools up in North Las Vegas are going to full day now. It is honestly better for our schedules to have one pick up time, but it is a long time to be away. Miles has asked every day what time we are picking him up, and is that a long time or a short time.

He was very upset the first day, despite waking up at 6:05 am ready to go. These photos show his anticipation vs. reality - he did not want me to leave him in the line with his classmates. We had tears the first three days, but he is gradually getting more comfortable with the classroom.
Miles likes to know the schedule - he doesn't like to be left out or left behind and he gets nervous with new adults. This is especially true when transferring him from me to his teacher Mrs. Prince, from his teacher to the lunchroom crew, and then to his special classes like music and art.

He held on to a note I wrote him, repeatedly putting it in his pocket and pulling it out again. I later bought him a bracelet to hold on to while he is at school. 

Claire started second grade! She is a pro - she has to go into the school at a separate entrance than Miles, since kinder has their own playground and gate. I was worried about leaving her the first day, but she said she was fine and I got her to her teacher and the line on the playground and took Miles over to his class. Claire has found a friend and she likes to play tether ball and basketball too. Her teacher is Miss Michaelsen and she seems nice enough so far.

And on to our oldest student - Matt started his last year of Grad School. Last. Year. He will graduate in May if all goes well. He is currently recruiting with accounting firms for a position as most likely an auditor - he is leaning that way instead of taxes. But I think we keep our options open for now. Matt is working on campus again as a graduate assistant in the marketing department. He gets to have a really flexible schedule to work around his classes and he is able to get home to pick up the kids from school every day. Not sure what we will do once he has a full-time job... cross that bridge when we come to it.

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