Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Swim Lessons and Other Fun

Both Claire and Miles passed their swim classes - Claire was in the Otters and Miles was in the Jelly Fish. They both increased in confidence so much and Miles could have definitely been in a more advanced class but there wasn't room this session. Claire is asking to do swim team - maybe next summer. She just had one more class above her current level but her teacher coaches the swim team and thought she could skip it. Miles was just excited to get a popsicle so he didn't ask about next year just yet.

We need to get this little gal in the class next summer - she will be ready I think. She loves swimming, but hates the splash park. Go figure. So she and I just hung out and go sweaty while the kids swam.

Some recent fun after Sunday dinner - Jen is always good about bringing and playing games with the kids - they had to try to guess what item or character was on their headband.

MeMa took the kids to their new favorite park - Craig Ranch. This time they made it over to a new section and tried out the slides. The rattlesnake slide is a little bit scary to me - but they don't look a bit concerned to be sliding out of a venomous snake. Gotta love these desert parks - we really do have some unique parks and playgrounds out here.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yikes! That IS a scary snake!