Thursday, December 3, 2015

8 months old

Eight months- 2/3 of a year gone in a flash! 

Still getting called Bubba, Henry army crawls like a champ, just barely cut his third tooth- a side top tooth (weird, but Penelope did the same thing), eating baby food way better and just might be trying to say "da da" according to Matt. 

He is such a happy and content baby almost all the time. But bedtime, oh bedtime- a storm's comin' buddy. I don't think he is a bad sleeper necessarily, he just hasn't had his own space (my closet and now the loft- open on 2 sides to sounds of the vaulted living room- so I haven't sleep trained him like the others. Plus he is at the mercy of everyone else's schedule and takes a lot of his naps in the car. And... He's the baby. Sleep will come soon enough, soon enough.

And he is a pretty good snuggler- especially compared with the other kids. 

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