Saturday, December 24, 2016

Stephen's Funeral

My 25-year old cousin Stephen, Uncle Grant's six child and first son out of 12 children, was killed by a drunk driver the week before Christmas.  Because of our age difference, I didn't know Stephen very well, and not at all as an adult. He is about 11 years old in my memories, a quirky kid with crazy thick dark hair that was always askew. I was in college and then moving to Las Vegas when he was growing up so I just wasn't around to get to know him when he was older. His funeral was planned for the morning we had planned to drive home, so we of course stayed and I am so glad we could be there with our family.

We went to the grave dedication, where my dad played the bagpipes and my Uncle Grant said the dedicatory prayer. Stephen was buried in the Fair Oaks Cemetary where my grandparents will also be buried someday. It made me realize I have no idea where I would want to be buried or what my parents want to do - so I asked. My mom said she wants to be buried in the Green Valley Cemetery. This may seem weird to talk about but I'd rather know, and I'm mostly writing this down now so I don't forget...

It was good to be with family and to hear about eternal families. I felt weird taking photos at the funeral - is it ok to smile? But I felt happy being with my family and I am always grateful for an opportunity to see my grandparents too.

I picked up this ornament for Matt at the Placerville Hardware store on Main Street for our annual exchange - families are forever!

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