Sunday, December 11, 2016

December This and That

Just catching up on the Hillers these last few weeks. 

First of all, I got braces! I feel a little silly since my teeth are fairly straight, but my teeth hit end to end when I bite and they have slowly but surely started to wear out and even chip. The ends are very thin and the dentist said they would continue to chip away unless my bite was fixed. So, I'm in for an 18-month tour of duty with these silver beauties. Invisalign was discussed, but it isn't as effective on a bite like mine. Also, I'm just trying to look younger... :) 

We went to Matt's company party at the Red Rock Country Club - it was a nice dinner mixed with silly games like a dance off and a Christmas lyrics contest (Matt got third place and a $25 VISA gift card!)

We had a nice visit from Emily and her family. Becky Baird was supposed to be here too but had hurt her back. EmmyKitten brought her whole family down from Utah and our kids played so well together! They really wanted to just drive home with the Jensens when the weekend was over. Jen Wagner came over Sunday night for dinner, though we had seen the rest of the Power Squad the day before too.

I got an extra bookshelf from work and now the girls have two in their room, so we reorganized all the books by level and Claire promptly turned her room into a library complete with reading nook and book checkout sheet.

We got the tree up finally and did my favorite ornament tradition - these stars all have a different name for Christ on them with correlating scriptures to read.

Random last minute date night after the CPA exam - Matt was up super early to drive to St. George for the test, so we passed on the movie and just had dinner and did some Christmas shopping.

Spirit Day - Vegas Style: pretend it's winter and dress up for "Baby It's Cold Outside Day." P.S. it will be 70 degrees later this week! And we got some new holiday blow ups for the house - maybe we are taking this Star Wars theme a bit too far!

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