Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Kid Quotes

Penelope bit Miles, which is not something she usually does.  I told her that the only time she is allowed to bite is if she is trying to get away from a bad guy who is stealing her away. She said yes and if they put you in a sack you should have a knife or a scissors on you so you can get out.  Future concealed carry permit holder here...

Henry says the sounds for animals instead of their actual animal names and for some reason when he asks for more "bak bak!"at dinner, instead of chicken, it kind of grosses me out.

Penelope says from the back of the van, while sipping her water that she had hoped would be soda, "This is why I don't like water. 1- it doesn't have a taste. 2- it's healthy."

Penelope drew a photo of our family pets included an electric eel. I said, "Aren't those dangerous?" She said, "Yes they can shock you and kill you! I said, "Then how do you feed it? She thought for a second and said, "You throw its food in there and then run away really fast so it doesn't kill you!" Sounds like the perfect pet.

Penelope used her own money to buy a Twighlight sweatshirt (my little pony). Amazon delivered it on a 105 degree day and she promptly put it on. It has a mane and wings and she loves it! She pointed at herself with her thumb and said, "THIS girl is never taking THIS off!"

Here she is in her sweatshirt at the San Juan Bautista mission - the profile view is the best :)

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