Monday, September 18, 2017

Kid Quotes - Penelope Style

When ordering food somewhere we go often, Penelope says, "I will have the normal." She means "the usual."

Special doughnut stop on the way to Wet N Wild for Claire's birthday

Penelope says to Bubba in the kitchen, "Get on this chair this instant! You're not in trouble, but I need you to watch this lady and her baby while I bravely go check things out. Ok?" She left Henry to watch her baby doll sitting on the table next to a baby cradle with a stuffed animal inside. 

After the first week of school, I asked Penelope, "Have you done anything besides color, like letters and numbers?" She said, "Nah, we don't need our letters and numbers. We are just writing our names and I can already write my full name. But the Kadens can't. There's Kaden B and Kaden W - Kaden W you do NOT WANT to meet!!"

"Mom - take my picture with this hat and send it to your friends!"

Penelope asked me what my orthodontic wax was - I told her that it helps my teeth feel better. She told me she pretends the case is her laptop. She cracks me up! 

After a dinner of tortilla soup (that I had bought from Costco and doctored up a bit), Penelope comes up to me later and says, "Mom I give that soup a 7. I think it needed more spices." Thank you Top Chef. 

Matt was changing Henry's poopy diaper. I told Penelope, "See that? Marry someone who will change diapers Penelope" She said, "Moms change them too though." I said, "I know - we both help." She said, "I know how to change diapers - I change Spider Man's diapers. But not with wipes. Cause he's a stuffed animal." 

Penelope was playing with some extra long glow sticks she got at Claire's Star Wars birthday, swinging them around and jumping up and down. I told her it was time for bed.  She said, "But I'm practicing my ninja skills!!" 

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