Thursday, January 11, 2018

Kid Quotes

I asked Penelope how she felt being the only blue-eyed kid in our family. She said, "They're INDIGO!"

Henry is the first kid to want Matt to put him to bed instead of me - it's equal parts wonderful and insulting. He also wants Matt to give him his bottle at night. He asks for "Daddy Milk" - and it definitely sounds like a proper noun when he says it. It makes me laugh every time he says it!

Henry usually owns up to things that he does, but recently when something broke he told Phil, "Vroom vroom did it!" He blamed it on his truck!

Penelope chose a bath bomb as her one souvenir from our recent trip to Placerville. We went into a little lotion and soap shop that has been there since I was in high school and she found this sparkly pink bath bomb. Miles asked her, "What does this do, does it just explode?" Penelope said, "NO! First it explodes, THEN it MOISTURIZES!"

Henry is pretty obsessed with Yoda lately, especially after we had Yoda and Darth Vader blow up yard decorations. He wanted to see them all the time and left the front door open, or went outside alone to see them, so we moved them into the loft. He played with them nonstop, turning them off and on so much that he broke the cords. Anyway, he was watching Daniel Tiger on PBS over at Betty's house and Daniel Tiger asks, "Who do you like to play with?" Henry answers, "Yoda!"

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

18 in 2018

Instead of the typical resolutions that are broad, sweeping goals, I am doing a list of 18 things I want to accomplish this year. This has been inspired by one of my favorite authors on creating good habits, Gretchen Rubin. She is doing this type of list this year, and keeping it in a visible place will help get them crossed off the list. It can be a mix of simple things you just want to get done, and stretch goals.

So, here's my list of 18 for 2018, in no particular order 

  1. Organize and back up my digital photos
  2. Take piano lessons 
  3. Learn a song on the ukulele 
  4. Make a budget
  5. Stick to the budget
  6. Read/listen to one book per month
  7. Get my eyebrows micro bladed
  8. Wear a tennis skirt
  9. Learn to use InDesign
  10. Make an appointment with a dermatologist
  11. Create a better way to organize my jewelry
  12. Plan a Johnson family reunion
  13. Learn to cut boys' hair
  14. Use my camera on manual at least once a month
  15. Make one new friend
  16. Get new curtains for my bedroom 
  17. Organize my arts and crafts supplies
  18. Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover 
I turned it into a flyer so I can print it out an put it in my office and on my bathroom mirror so I am reminded of these items. Plus I love crossing things off lists, so this type of goal setting is exciting to me. Here's to learning new things in 2018! 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Main Street, Placerville

We have to visit Main Street at least once. We went in a few shops but didn't last too long. The Old Hangtown Ice Cream Saloon was a fun stop, especially since it's owned by our friends the Taylors. I love taking the kids' photos by the old Placerville Inn  - this wall reminds me of working down on Main Street in high school, at a bakery by the bell tower.


Friday, January 5, 2018

Trip to CA for New Years

The kids and I took a trip Northern CA to visit May and Grandpa a few days after Christmas, kind of last minute.  I was very nervous to drive them up there in one day, by myself. But it went really well and the kids were great! Knock on wood... Man, individual DVD players are the best invention ever! 

Henry has asked to go to May's house literally every day for months. He also asks to see "Sam Sam Duke" - which is two dogs, but he uses doubles for everything these days. My parents have a new Chesapeake Bay Retriever named Sam, and then their Rat Terrier Duke. He was very happy to see his dogs! 

We also got to see Kenny too - but unfortunately, Erick and Megan's family were all sick with the flu the entire visit. We never got to see them, and Claire in particular was very unhappy with me for keeping us apart.