Wednesday, January 10, 2018

18 in 2018

Instead of the typical resolutions that are broad, sweeping goals, I am doing a list of 18 things I want to accomplish this year. This has been inspired by one of my favorite authors on creating good habits, Gretchen Rubin. She is doing this type of list this year, and keeping it in a visible place will help get them crossed off the list. It can be a mix of simple things you just want to get done, and stretch goals.

So, here's my list of 18 for 2018, in no particular order 

  1. Organize and back up my digital photos
  2. Take piano lessons 
  3. Learn a song on the ukulele 
  4. Make a budget
  5. Stick to the budget
  6. Read/listen to one book per month
  7. Get my eyebrows micro bladed
  8. Wear a tennis skirt
  9. Learn to use InDesign
  10. Make an appointment with a dermatologist
  11. Create a better way to organize my jewelry
  12. Plan a Johnson family reunion
  13. Learn to cut boys' hair
  14. Use my camera on manual at least once a month
  15. Make one new friend
  16. Get new curtains for my bedroom 
  17. Organize my arts and crafts supplies
  18. Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover 
I turned it into a flyer so I can print it out an put it in my office and on my bathroom mirror so I am reminded of these items. Plus I love crossing things off lists, so this type of goal setting is exciting to me. Here's to learning new things in 2018! 

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