Friday, January 5, 2018

Trip to CA for New Years

The kids and I took a trip Northern CA to visit May and Grandpa a few days after Christmas, kind of last minute.  I was very nervous to drive them up there in one day, by myself. But it went really well and the kids were great! Knock on wood... Man, individual DVD players are the best invention ever! 

Henry has asked to go to May's house literally every day for months. He also asks to see "Sam Sam Duke" - which is two dogs, but he uses doubles for everything these days. My parents have a new Chesapeake Bay Retriever named Sam, and then their Rat Terrier Duke. He was very happy to see his dogs! 

We also got to see Kenny too - but unfortunately, Erick and Megan's family were all sick with the flu the entire visit. We never got to see them, and Claire in particular was very unhappy with me for keeping us apart. 

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