Today is the fifth Sunday of the month - I can remember looking forward to the 5th Sunday as a kid because that meant that the young women got to help in the primary at church and be with all the little kids. Now that I am the Young Women's President, it takes on a whole new meaning... I divided my time today between junior and senior nursery (our ward has so many young families that we have about 25+ kids in nursery), the Sunbeam class which featured a professional wrestler named Miranda who was throwing chairs and small children to the grown (yes, they are 3 years old in Sunbeams), and chasing around the nursery kids and the young women who were trying to escape.
If I wasn't already pregnant, I might just back out of the whole deal. I guess that's why you usually just have one at a time... taking on too many at once makes you never want to have kids. Everyone tells me it's different when they are your own flesh and blood. Ask me after September 20th and we'll see if it's true.
I am now about 20 weeks along... close to the half-way mark. Matt and I have decided to not find out the sex of the baby, which leads to discussions about how hard it is to call the baby "it" all the time, and how I would really like to know how to decorate the nursery in advance, and on and on. But Matt wants to surprise the world with this little Hiller, and since he doesn't really ask much of me (I am the high maintenance one in this relationship) I have given in. Our ultrasound is on May 9th, so I guess I have just about a week to change his mind, which is surprisingly resolute on this matter. I think I'll post later the pros and cons of being in the 5% who do not find out if they are having a girl or a boy. At least we know it's one of the two.
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