Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cute Babies

So, I know that every baby is cute... to its parents. My fear is that ours just won't be cute to everyone else :)

The kids born to both sides of our familes so far are adorable... we have some pretty fierce competition for cutest baby. My sister Becky's baby McKinley was the first grandchild for my parents, something that as a fellow first grandchild, I thought would be my honor. But, I will gladly relinquish this position to the Kinster because she is the cutest baby ever! I wish we lived closer to them, and now that they moved to Placerville, we are even farther away. At least I can now see all of my family with one visit home.

There are far better things to worry about... besides, Matt and I were both pretty cute babies... but what if we cancel each other out? See, I am already starting to be a mom - worrying about things I can't control or change must just come naturally.

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