Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn (Twilight Series, Book 4) Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
Just finished it - I had to, since I read the other three books in the series. I liked it, but not as much as the first book. If you read the others you have to finish the story out - just do it :)

View all my reviews.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. It was not as good as the other ones but you have to read it to finish the story. I thought she could have told the same story in about 400 pages.

The Scholer Family said...

Sad it's over. At least we have the movie to look forward to!!!!!

Emily said...

SO not as good as the other ones...I've basically been pissed the whole time I've been reading. I should have been more of an Edward lover I guess. I have a little more to read until I'm done.