Sunday, November 23, 2008

I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but...

... we only have so many weekends to fit in these fun outings before Christmas. There are quite a few Christmas celebrations going on, and I've decided we need to be tourists in our own town and try them all.

We went to the Ethel M Chocolates cactus garden which is decorated every year, and is free! We also got free chocolate samples, and had a suprise visit with Santa - we weren't planning on it, but why not? Claire was not about to sit on a strange man's lap and was very sad until she received a few pieces of chocolate for her troubles. Chocolate fixes many woes, and as the sign said in the factory, chocolate is cheaper than therapy.


Anonymous said...

So Cute!!! We ventured over to the cactus garden before we left for Utah (mostly for the free chocolate from Ethel M- truth be told). It looks very festive all lit up for Christmas! Dominic grabbed a cactus while we were there and I was pulling stickers out of his hand for quite some time. Claire is adorable! Love the hats. :) Vickey

Emily said...

I love the Santa picture...she looks totally unsure of the creepy guy in the costume.

Cute pictures! Those kids were troopers, even though it was past their bed time.

Emily said...

I'm inviting ourselves to go with you guys to this next year. Okay? It sounds waaaay better than the Magical Forest.

Claire, who dresses you? Cause they've got StYlE!

Matt and Shannon said...

You know you are true parents when: your child eats throught the foil wrapper of said chocolate and neither of you go fishing for it. She didn't swallow it after all. We saw it in her mouth as we were getting in the car.
P.S. We got the wrapper eventually.

Kara said...

So cute- love the hats! Love the jacket, Claire Le Claire is definately the most stylish little girl I know! I love the cactus gardens all lit up! I can't wait to go. And I agree- chocolate cures everything. We might even be able to use it to bribe Nathan to get near Santa enough to get a picture this year!