Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Is a sweet tooth genetic?

'Cause Claire totally has one, and I think she got it from me. At the beginning of my pregnancy I just wanted salty stuff - a sure sign (per the wives tales) that I was having a boy. Especially since that goes against my natural tendencies to always pick out a sweet snack. Now that my feet are swelling to the size of watermelons, salt is out. Now where is that leftover cookie dough...


Emily said...

Okay that picture is too cute! If it's genetic, then not having one is genetic too...I think Easton gets his will power from Steve. I have been slowly teaching him that cookies are delicious.

Those glow in the dark guys are crazy looking! But cool!

Mere and Matt said...

Girl after my own heart. You and Becky look great! You should have left the kids home and had a spa day with her. :) Good talking to you last night too! Hope the heat abates for a few weeks until the baby comes!

Alifinale said...

It for sure is genetic and Emery so got the gene. Claire is so stinkin' cute. I can't believe how big she is!