Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More Miles

Time is flying by - Miles is already 9 days old, and I am one and a half weeks into my maternity leave. I tend to think of time in terms of an 8-week countdown for when I have to go back to work. Hopefully I don't seem anti-social or hard to reach (any more than a typical mother of a newborn), but I just want to soak up this time at home with everyone and I kind of get into my own little world. My mom has been here since Friday - my dad came too for a few days and then had to go back home. My mom leaves on Thursday. We are also lucky to have Matt's family here to help us, so we have been well taken care of.

Claire is a good big sister - she loves Miles and wakes up practically saying "good morning Miles" before she has even gotten up. It is really the cutest thing and I need to get it recorded. I have been almost more concerned with protecting Miles from Claire's "loving" then anything else. She kisses him ALL day long. Miles is a good eater and has not been very fussy at all - the doctor said that he might be more sleepy and mellow for awhile since he was born 3 weeks early, but he was still considered full-term at 37 weeks. At his first well-check he is in the 10th percentile for weight and the size of his head, 50th percentile for height.

Here are some new pics - while I have been staying home with my mom, Matt has been keeping Claire busy with gymnastics, story time, the pool and generally trying to keep her schedule going the same. I am so grateful that he is here to help and that he is willing to be a swim coach, gymnastics teacher, taxi driver, cook, and generally a very active dad to match the energy that Claire puts into every day. I am exhausted just watching them play! :)

Miles - 7 days old

Gymnastics class

First bath

Ready for story time

Matt and Miles Matthew


Kara said...

Oh he's so tiny and adorable! I love the look on Claire's face as she's watching him and I bet it's the cutest thing to hear her talking about him the second she wakes up! What a sweetie! Can't wait to come see you, but I totally understand about just wanting to have your time and enjoy every second of it. Just know that I'm a phone call and street away, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!

Erika said...

He's so precious, and the love between siblings is one of the most amazing things to witness. Enjoy every minute. You know how fast they grow.

Erick and Megan said...

So glad for an update! I think it is great that you are being a bit antisocial! I keep going to call and then think, she's probably nursing, or resting, or just soaking up her sweet new born and she doesn't need to be disturbed! He is so darling and know that we are thinking about you and praying for your new little one!
love, Megan

Rachel said...

Where is the place that Claire is taking gymnastics at? It looks like you have your hands full. Enjoy your time.