Sunday, January 17, 2010

Biggest Loser: The Finale

Well, the last chance workout was over and it was time for our weigh in. I am a competitive person so this was such a motivator to help me lose the baby weight. We had more than 20 people at the first weigh in, and only 10 at the last. I knew I had lost a good amount, but my main competition was one of the only guys in the group - if this was the real biggest loser, us ladies would have voted him out long ago. :)

So, in the end, he lost 14% of his total body weight, and I came in second place with 12% - I was pretty happy, even though I didn't get the $400. I'll just have to find another way to get a new wardrobe - my clothes are either all too big or too small.

If I count my few weeks of weight watchers before this competition, I have lost 14% - now on to my next goal of 10% of my current weight - I have basically lost "Miles" and now have to still lose "Claire."

Congratulations to everyone, especially Kevin!


Emily said...

Way to go, you seriously look great!!
Keep it up!

And yay for Miles...I hope he keeps sleeping good for you, it makes for much happier moms and dads when babies sleep good.

Ali said...

Shanny! Way to go! I'm very impressed - you are looking great. I needed some inspiration to finish losing "Ben" and "Paige". :)

Becky said...

Congratulations Shanny Pooh!! I think you look fantastic. You are inspiring. Love you!

Mere and Matt said...

WAY TO GO! You are my inspiration.

Erick and Megan said...

That is incredible! Good for you. We joined a new gym this week and I have been a class junkie, trying out everything! I also jumped on the scale for the first time since the OB office and was shocked and disgusted. Gonna be a long road to lose "Rosy" and "Lily". Congrats to you!

Jacqui said...


Erika said...

Wow! Way to go, Tiger! You look great.