Saturday, April 10, 2010

Phantom of the Opera

My sister and I went on a double date with our husbands to see Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian - Becky and Matt had never seen it before (Matt had been boycotting Andrew Lloyd Weber since he saw Starlight Express in high school). We had wonderful seats (thanks Ken!) in the front center section - so close we could feel the heat of the fireworks and see the hint of crazy in the Phantom's eye. Are we supposed to love or hate the Phantom? I never know. Either way, we had fun out on the town.


Emily said...

Love that show! Missed you at b-ball though.

kh said...

I had that same question about the him, hate him, good guy, bad guy? I've never quite figured it out. (He kinda creeps me out, if you wanna know the truth.)

Jacqui said...

How fun!! I love Phantom. You feel empathy for him in the play, but read the book'll loath him!