Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pumpkin Patch, At Last!

We have been getting into the spirit of October with a visit to the pumpkin patch and of course getting our costumes ready. This pumpkin patch, complete with petting zoo, is just up the street from our house and we drive by it at least twice if not more times a day. The kids fight over whether their side of the car will have the pumpkin patch for the best view. They finally got to go, and were so happy!


Emily said...

Claire looks JUST like you in that first picture...so cute!

And I'm sad I missed you at our stake fair...we went early and left early so we probably missed you. BUMMER!

Let's get together soon...next week?

Becky said...

So fun. My kids have never been to a pumpkin patch, their parents are scrooges. Maybe we need to make some changes.