Sunday, October 30, 2011


We had our ward Halloween party Friday night - we had a chili cook off, carnival and trunk-or-treat. And we finally got to wear our costumes! Claire has been asking for WEEKS when we get to dress up and go trick or treating. I finished my costume just in time and Matt helped make my crook out of lawn candy canes we found at Home Depot. Then he wrapped it in some pink and white polka dot duck tape that I found at Michael's. They have all sorts of patterned tape now. Betty, Jonelle and Genevieve came too - Phil was on his way back from a hunting trip, otherwise I'm sure he would have been there to see Miles use the wooden gun he made for the Woody costume.

Whenever Claire asks to wear makeup (usually while watching me do mine in the morning), I tell her she can only wear makeup on Halloween. So, she got to wear mascara, eyeshadow, powder and have her hair sprayed red to complete her Jessie outfit.

Claire expects all of the adults in her life, including the animals, to dress up (she asked what my parent's Rat Terrier named Duke was going to be for Halloween). She just couldn't believe that MeMa wasn't dressing up. Betty said Claire asked her several times a day - are you sure you aren't dressing up? Costume or not, everyone was festive and we had fun! Now to hide the candy so it's not all eaten for breakfast...


Becky said...

I love the costumes! You guys look great. And I love that Claire Bear got to wear makeup. :)

Erika said...

You guys are awesome! I love that you even made Claire's hair red.