Sunday, December 4, 2011

Baby Quotes

Ever since we told Claire and Miles about the baby, they have been very interested in my stomach. As someone who carries my weight in my lower stomach, I am always so worried people think I am pregnant all the time, so I am trying to laugh at all the things the kids have said of late.

Claire, the very next morning after we told her I was pregnant, said, "Mom, I think your stomach is already getting bigger!!" said with wonder and amazement on her face as she points to my stomach.

Miles, jabbing his finger into my tummy - "Baby. Inside? Baby. Inside?" Then a day or two later, he had his shirt off and was sticking his stomach out, pointing to his belly button saying, "Baby.Inside!" Claire told him no, only moms have babies, and he got upset, "NO! Baby!!! Inside!!!"

Claire - "Mom, how did you swallow the baby?" Do I have to explain this already? Sheesh.

Miles asked Matt if he also has a baby in his tummy. Matt said, "Nope, that's just fat." We have been eating terribly lately - hardly a home-cooked meal in sight around the Hiller Estate (except for Sunday nights at Betty's).

Claire has a few suggestions for the baby's name - Canda for the girl, and Cander or Thomas for the boy. We should have had twins - Canda and Cander :)

Claire said, "Mom, I am pretty sure the baby is a girl... or a boy." I sure hope so Claire!


Becky said...

I love the things kids say! I hope it's a girl or a boy too. :)

Erika said...

Canda and Cander Hiller. I love her imagination. Katie named a doll Enza when she was about Claire's age. I have no idea where these ideas come from. I've got my fingers crossed for a boy or girl too. You should probably get that ultrasound to make sure. Something like a puppy would be great for the kids, but a bit of a shock for mom. So excited for another beautiful Hiller baby!

Stephanie Carmi said...
