Sunday, September 16, 2012

Four Months Old - What the What?!

How did this girl get to be four months old already? Penelope is so smiley and happy and she laughs a lot now - I love it! She is ticklish too - feet and under her arms. She sits up well in the bumbo and she kicks, kicks, kicks all the time. She is taking the bottle like a champ, and I think we will start cereal soon. I am having a hard time pumping some days - but I would like to keep going for a few more months if I can.

Current nicknames for Penelope include:

  • Nelope
  • Nelopers
  • P
  • Sweet P
  • Penny
  • P'Nell

She had a check up recently and here are her stats:

Height: 25.25 inches - 75-90 percentile

Weight: 15.8 lbs - 75-90 percentile

Head: 42.25 cm - 75-90 percentile

1 comment:

soggydance said...

So Pretty. Love the blue on her with those blue eyes. She is just about the same size as Shelby, but I think my Little Miss is a tiny bit longer. One day, they'll be good buddies!