Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Swimming Again!

Miles got his cast off last week! He held his arm bent for the first day, like he still had a cast on, but then he quickly got used to using his left arm. He was able to buckle his car seat without help again. He looked down at the straps, smiled and said, "Hey! Two hands!" We went swimming to celebrate since we had been avoiding the pool - poor Claire, she had to have a ban on swimming too. Miles traded one injury for another though - he scraped the skin off his nose after doing a belly flop into the shallow part of the pool. This boy....
We got the bill for the ER visit to set Miles' arm - $4100 before insurance, $75 with insurance. Thank goodness. Haven't received a bill yet from the orthopedic doc, but I decided I should keep these bills so I can add up the total cost of Miles' ER visits. So far, he has 3 bills for his 3 years of life. That total amount might come in handy some day - as in, "No Miles, you can't have a new car because you have already cost us $23,217 in medical co-pays!"

1 comment:

Beej said...

Woa!!! He is the million dollar kid. We need to get. Him a protective bubble.