Thursday, October 10, 2013

Miles Update

Miles is loving preschool - like a "ready with shoes, coat, backpack on at least an hour before we have to leave" level of excitement for school. After class, his teacher gives me a post-it note with some of the highlights of the day and cute things that Miles said. She really goes the extra mile to make class special for the kids.

Miles seems to be quite a ham at school - I hope he isn't causing too much trouble. Every time I pick him up, he marches up to Ms. Chantelle and says, "How about that high five?!" Matt confirms that Miles is just like he was at school - a class clown. :)

Here are a few of Miles' recent quotes:

I swatted a fly and got it in one try -I said, "That's right, don't mess with me!" and Miles says all sassy and monotone, "Yep, we know... You're the best mom in the world..." Well, that was easy.

We were getting out all the Halloween decorations and movies and Miles said, "Are we watching Shish Kabob Crane?"

I had Miles and Penelope in the car waiting for Claire to get out of school and I smelled something not so great, so I said, "Is Penelope stinky Miles? Will you smell her?" He said, "Actually.... I am." At least he owned up to his toots.

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