Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ward Trunk or Treat

We had a split theme this year - half super heroes, half from the Disney movie Brave. Claire was Merida and I was her mother Eleanor. Miles was Superman, Matt was The Flash, and Penelope was Wonder Woman. Matt's costume originally came as a one-piece, but it was a little, ahem, short. So we cut it at the waist and again at the boots and bought some red sweats. In between making Nacho Libre jokes about "borrowing some sweeaats" I told Claire we had to buy some for Dad so he didn't have to wear his full Halloween costume. She said, "Well, that's a relief!" She said it so seriously like - wow, dodged an embarrassing bullet with that one! I couldn't stop laughing!

Our friends the Mezydlos came with us this year - Jen is the assistant coach on Claire's soccer team and she has 3 girls. I didn't get one picture of all the kids together - they were pretty much moving nonstop once the trunk or treat started.

And guess what? I won the Chili Cook Off with my white bean chicken chili. And I was taking the kids to the bathroom when they announced the winner. That is the story of my life. The only prize was honor and glory and I wasn't even around to claim my Crock pot of Victory!

Anyway, here are more photos from the night. We had a great time!

1 comment:

Emily said...

You all look great, as usual! Congrats on the chili win!