Friday, January 10, 2014

Kid Quotes

Claire is loving school. She still likes the uniforms and wants to have everything in her school colors - purple, red and navy blue. The other day we were talking about words that have a similar meaning, and I told her that those words are called synonyms. She said, "Oh like cinnamon bears?" Delicious, but no. They do sound surprisingly like the same word if you say them fast enough. 

Penelope calls Miles "Mon Mon" - she sounds Jamaican and it's really cute. 

Miles calls his sneezes bless yous - which makes sense because every time someone sneezes you don't say - Sneeze! He sneezed twice in a row the other day and he said, "Whoa! TWO bless yous!" 

Sometimes I might tell Miles that I don't want him to grow up so he can stay my little guy forever. But he usually just shrugs off my clingy hug and says that he wants to turn 5, so sorry mom. But lately, he has taken it a bit further and I guess he realized that we all get old, and then we eventually die. So he told Matt that he doesn't want to grow up because he doesn't want to die. Matt blames me.

So I have been trying to fix this situation. I told him that there are so many great things about getting older - going to school, getting baptized, going on a mission, having a family. After hearing that, he said, "But mom, I would have to leave you and move into someone else's house." I said, "It will probably be your own house and I will come to visit you, it won't be a stranger's house." He seemed good with that and said, "Well, first I have to climb mountains and hunt bears and fish." Deal.

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