Thursday, April 10, 2014

Monsters Inc Laugh Floor aka We Were on TV!!

The highlight of our Magic Kingdom visit was getting the VIP treatment at the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor. Becky works with the Monsters, so she met us at the side door and we went into a separate line where we were escorted to our seats - we got to stay there for two shows in a row and didn't have to file out and back again with the "commoners."

The show is interactive - the characters on the screen talk to the audience and make them part of the performance, telling jokes to capture our laughs instead of screams, just like in the movie. In the first performance, Penelope got to be "Boo," the little girl from Monsters Inc. The monsters were trying to get her to do peek-a-boo and I was worried she wouldn't perform, but she pulled through in the end with some serious cute. Becky said normally the Monsters would have moved on to another little munchkin since P kind of froze once she saw herself up on the screen, but they held out for us. The next show, Claire and Miles got to be on the big screen and talked about their Halloween costumes. Claire said she was Princess Leia for Halloween (after some prompting from me) and then the Star Wars jokes were on!

A photo for my blog book - wish I could capture the videos too! 
The rest of the day, and trip, they kept saying - "Remember how we were on TV!" And people who were in our shows would see the kids throughout the park and say, "There's Claire and Miles!" or "There's Boo!" It was so cool! They felt like super stars!

The Monsters told one of Claire's jokes during the show too: What did one math book say to the other math book? Man, you've got a lot of problems!"

So. Much. Fun. Thank you Becky Baird Hiller!! 

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