Friday, July 18, 2014

Hiller Happenings

Just a few fun things around here - I'm taking tennis lessons with my friend Janel and we are having so much fun! I have been wanting to try a new sport for a while, one that does not involve other people trying to hurt you. :) I think I had my eyes opened a bit while playing basketball for my office's corporate challenge team. I still love to play, and do play every week that we have enough girls, but the ladies in this competition were down right mean. And very physical. So far, tennis is good exercise and fun - but of course I want to be good, too. Me? Competitive??

Every time Matt wears this shirt, Penelope has to point out all the Star Wars characters that she knows. I figure it's as good a time as any to learn, especially since Star Wars is the movie that bridges the generations. And a new one coming out? I am not sure how the original cast of characters have held up...

I'm still feeling a little lost and lonely in our new ward, but I have my family and I guess I'm not there to make a new best friend... but this was my row in Relief Society (our meeting for the women) last week. I had to snap a picture. I promise, I wore deoderant that day.

I just don't have any buddies yet. And my regional media relations calling means I won't ever work with people in my ward on a regular basis. I think callings are a big way to meet people, since you are serving together and having meetings and activities all the time. Oh well... Matt will have to be my only friend there. :)

Claire saved up 15 bingo tickets for a date night - and she chose MeMa as her date. Well, she chose wisely because they got to go do a craft at Michaels, shopping at Kohls, lunch out and then swimming with strawberries and whipped cream poolside. Spoiled! She had a great time! Miles also chose to save his tickets and earned a new toy. I am proud of them for saving the tickets and not using them up as soon as they get them. Good lessons on saving and working hard. 

And suddenly this little girl is HUGE and I don't like it. She is practically begging me to be potty trained but I am resisting. Maybe it will go better with her... I just absolutely loathe this stage. Everywhere you go, before, after and during - you are thinking about taking them to the bathroom and avoiding an accident. Good thing she's cute...

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