Sunday, June 14, 2015

Day Trip to Cedar City

I took the kids up to Cedar for the day - just me. Alone. With four kids. The drive up was great - Henry slept almost the entire drive and only started fussing a few miles from Becky's house. The drive home wasn't as uneventful - we pulled over 12 miles from the nearest exit so I could nurse a screaming baby, and then an hour later, pulled off on a lonely exit so Penelope could go to the bathroom in the dirt. A lightning storm followed us home, and I got to see a ton of tumbleweeds, my favorite. 

It was 25 degrees cooler in Cedar than in Vegas - so we actually went outside! We ate out, went to the park and found a rope swing (score!), watched a guy practice his tight rope act, ran through sprinklers, and took turns holding Henry. It was a great trip, and with a forecast of 108 degrees all week, I am ready to go back soon! 

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