Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mr. Henry - Two Months Old

Two months already! Henry is filling out and adding weight - I love seeing his little legs chunk up. He is holding his head up pretty well lately - he still bobs up and down a bit but he is getting stronger. And his eyes are looking dark I think... not positive yet though.

Henry is taking a bottle well, which eased my mind a lot. I went back to work this week and was worried about him eating enough while I was gone. Miss Penelope flat our refused the bottle for weeks and Matt is scarred for life now!

Two month stats:

Length: 23 inches (46th percentile)

Weight: 12 lbs 3 oz (45th percentile)

Head: 15.5 inches (55th percentile)

1 comment:

Beej said...

That Old Man baby had stolen my heart!!