Monday, August 17, 2015

Miles Turns 6!

This boys looks forward to his birthday for 355 days a year - asking me constantly how many days til the big day. Isn't he handsome? He loves his little brother so much and always asks to hold him. He is still very generous and a great sharer, often giving his candy, treats or money to someone else who doesn't have any. If Claire or Penelope get in trouble, Miles is their advocate, always pleading on their behalf so they avoid timeout or worse... He doesn't like to see them sad.

This year was a Transformers birthday- he had them on his cake and he got several as gifts. Now to teach his parents how to transform them... ugh. They are so complicated!

I asked Miles a few questions about what he likes as a 6 year old:

Favorite food? Nachos

Favorite color? Red and blue - tie

Favorite sport? Baseball

Favorite TV show? Sponge Bob

Favorite movie? Big Hero 6

What are you going to be when you grow up? Go on a mission and then be a scientist.

Who do you like to play with? Ishmael and Claire and Penelope

What does your mom tell you all the time? Clean! and go brush your teeth! 

What are you afraid of? Nothing. Just kidding. My greatest fear is being stung by a bee and being left behind accidentally. 

What is your favorite treat? Jolly Ranchers

Whatis your favorite restaurant? Cafe Rio

Where would you go on a date night with mom or dad? The Dollar Store

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